I wrote this review back in back on 1/24/13, but forgot to publish it until now. Looks like it's been closed now for a while. S.C.F. was a cool idea, but I think the rural location, massive size and spread out layout hurt it in the end. Oh well, here's the old review...
This place is far too big and out in the middle of nowhere. It's definitely a different kind of bar. I'd say it's more like a scene out of a 70s or 80s summer camp movie than a regular bar.
The first time I went there it was virtually empty with no band and no music on a Friday night. The second time I went there a group of senior citizens tried to pick up my buddy and I. For a moment I thought I was on that Betty White show "Off Their Rockers." Third time I went there they had all their fire pits going and I could hardly breathe from all the smoke. Took two washes to get rid of the smell.
One thing that is a little weird about this place is how far the stage is away from the crowd. It was awkward when the band (who was actually really good) finished a song and not one person clapped. The bartender there works his butt off. He was a pouring machine that kept the line moving at a quick pace.