| - Holy Cinnamon Roll! I know I shouldn't have eaten you all by myself, but you were so DARN good! I just couldn't control myself.
I popped into Breadsmith after church on Sunday because I was feeling the need for something sweet. I tried Blackbird Bakery first, because well, I like them I've been before, but alas, they were closed for their summer break. So I whipped out my trusty yelp ap and whoa nelly, someone posted a pic of a GORGEOUS looking cinnamon roll.
I walked in and there were a few people in front of me. I was a bit confused as to whether I waited for someone to ask me if I needed help, like at a deli counter, or whether I should go to the register, pay and place my order. The workers, while friendly, seemed a bit harried, and I think for a new-comer this portion of the experience was unclear and un-organized.
The cinnamon roll was SO delicious. Normally I'm wishing a cinnamon roll had more frosting because the inside is dull and too much boring bread...not at Breadsmith! I honestly wish there had been more of the inside of the bread. I love the whole thing and couldn't believe how amazing it was. I also purchased a brioche cinnamon loaf for home for making French toast. De-lish!
Breadsmith offers a punch card too for those who purchase frequently. Be sure to get one when you go. The girl at the register was happy give me a few extra punches to et me started.
Stop on by and get some amazing fresh bread. I'm sure you'll find something you'll like!