This Mueseum/Historic Site is near the Exhibition place area. If one doesn't follow the signs it can be misleading as the address for it has changed (its 250 Fort York now even though most of the printed material and street signs still refer to the old Address 100 Garrison). Location is accessible easily as its a street car ride and a little walk from the main hub.
Initial impression without even getting to the place was odd as no one picks up the phone! I called within business hours after checking on the website. When I arrived I even inquired about this bizarre approach to customer service and didn't get a proper answer.
The land it occupies is decent sized but unfortunately there isn't much to do or see IMO. Just some military barracks.
The saving grace is the LIVE show which reenacts the military maneuvers of the 18th century. This are blank shots fired and even some canon blasts replete with smoke and military calls. Actually it explained the thuds I have heard when I have walked in this area always wondering what that noise was about (I am not sure how the people who live around here now think of it but I guess its the price you pay for trying to live near a lake).
There is a bit of insight on how things were kept at that time but if one takes out the show I would say not even an hours worth of stuff to see,