Before volunteering at St Mary's Food Bank, I used Yelp to find a fast food place and came across Carl's Jr. Read the one review and I was sold.
The worker's there have an infectious, enthusiastic attitude, friendly and want to make your dining experience enjoyable.
I had the Western Bacon Burger which was well worth the $8 for the combo. It included the $6 burger. When is the last time you had the burger bulging out of the bun? The only negative was the shape of the french fries. I like them a lot thinner. If they had shoe string fries, it would be a killer combination. The burger came wrapped like In & Out Burger, not in a cardboard box.
The seating area was clean and modem with two color TV's set on the ESPN stations. At one end of the seating area, there was one worker mopping the floor.
I've never seen such pride in what they do to keep the place in tip top condition.