After seeing the "beware" review recently posted here I just have to finally give in and set the story straight...
I have been a resident in the small community here at Osborn Place since January 2014. I moved here because I needed to move from down the street at The Heritage after a renewal of $980 was what they wanted for a one bedroom remodel that could best be described as a couple cans of paint and lowest of the low quality wood plank floor. Any-who lol...I drove in and the manager Chanda was waiting in the office and welcomed me in and told me it was the reopening and she could definitely meet my needs as far as overall amenities and keep my costs to my specific budget I told her I had to stick to.
We clicked right away and she does all the work for new renters. I just had to pick an apartment and send her some paperwork and in just a few days I was settled and loving the quiet interior of our community and to this day any visitors feel like we live in a urban setting but yet tucked away just right to never have anything to worry about.
Now the whole rant about Chanda not helping or caring or running around with no bra is just due to a bad renter who lived two doors from me. She was very blessed to move to our community and at first friendly to me. Long story short the review is negative because the five or six weeks the tenant was living here not once did she pay rent and after hearing from a few other residents about the tenants constant lies about when Chanda could expect payment (lies and lies where all that Chanda got so she had no choice but to finally stop the BS and served the tenant to vacate immediately.
The review here bashes Chanda to no end. Now I like to think of myself as a people person to say the least...Chanda NEVER does anything but help her residence... She always knows what's going on in the community... And she certainly does not try to be mean or intimidating!!! Hey "Elizabeth" why don't you just own up to the fact that you know you could have been a much better tenant and actually followed your end of the terms you agreed to do with the previous tenant who you "helped" out. You know what's funny is that I didn't really like the guy who lived there...but he was certainly better than you and the constant suspicious behavior I noticed like going out the side of our building to leave as opposed to passing by my door and going out the main gate lol. It isn't right to move out with such nice things that weren't yours but lucky for you the guy just let u have it all and didn't ask for a penny!!!
I'm now rambling but to put any potential renters from looking and leasing here...the bottom line is this.
1. This place is quiet and small and that is the best thing ever. We all know who lives in each of the units and often times doors are open and neighbors here look out for one another...I have only been here a year but others have been residents for almost 2 decades now!
2. This place has one bedroom units only so it is not ideal for children or families bit couples and singles will find the floor plans just right to get the best urban 'retro' experience at a great property located just minutes from all of downtown Phoenix area. At first you may find the overall square footage is a bit tight but keep in mind these units are not meant for the oversized suburban home living...its the size you will eventually love to come home to and entertain in.
3. While there is no dishwasher in the units, you know whether or not it's a deal breaker for yourself lol. I got used to it and the onsite laundry is just behind the back building and always open (I suggest late night or mid days for no stress laundry days)!
4. THE POOL IS #AwesomeSauce!!!!!!
-huge in size and deep for diving, I use the pool here any chance I can...also if I am out there alone it's not long before other residents join in and it's common for weekend night-swims to end a night out at the bars and clubs!
5. GRASS! GRASS! And more GRASS than you will find anywhere in an apartment complex within the downtown area. It's beautiful year round and we have a great pet community here too and I will say leashes are not something you must have to do here because everyone's dog is so friendly and easy going. Lately some new residents don't seem to pick up after their dogs but it's not ever an issue for me.
6. The Osborn Place is a small #29 unit urban community that residents like me love to call home. I will never go back to huge Mark Taylor rentals or the overpriced luxury of my last rental at Camden or Heritage...I am so happy I found this community and have no intention of leaving anytime soon. A great way for singles or couples to live downtown and get the urban living of the city and still stay within any budget. You WILL be satisfied and love living here from day one!
Anyone who moves in and wants any information that I didn't address feel free and to reply with questions and I'll get back to you.