This is the worst verzion wireless store! I have been customer for over 15 years and each time I ever went in this store to either upgrade or change a service, they promise you will have added charges. Each time I had a big surprise on my bill. Either they higher stupid people or sharks looking to make commission on a sale to get you to sign up for something you don't need and promise you can cancel anytime. WRONG! I was charged for wifi box after coming in to ask a question about my unlimited package and wanted to know how I can get the 10 GIGS hotspot that is also on my package (I could of used my phone for it he didn't tell me), he set it up ion my account for a new line of service and I'm charged now $30 extra, not to mention the $30 activation fee. I didn't know until I received my bill, so I tried canceling they would not allow me to do so because its after 15 days, I can't fight it just deal with it for 2 years, other wise I would be charged a cancelation feel.
This was the most recent time these idiots or sharks scammed me!
Do your business online or to another store, stay away from the Rockside store where everyone treats you like potential prey.