| - I think Voodoo Lounge is a polarizing force in the Las Vegas nightlife arena. Many people decry its lack of sophistication and its lower socioeconomic demographic. Others feel that the Voodoo Lounge is a breath of fresh air from the self-important clubs on the Strip that charge $14 for a bottle of domestic beer and where people are too busy posturing and primping to just have fun.
Maybe because my wife and I go clubbing so rarely, we enjoy places like the Voodoo Lounge. Even though we didn't see any knockouts like you do at the megaclubs, there was a great mix of people. To wit, in the course of 15 minutes I saw: a late 40's Midwestern housewife throwing hands in air like she just didn't care, two gay Aussies hopping around with 44 oz. magnums in their hands, two cute Japanese girls who spoke 10 words of English between them, an Armenian dude with the craziest perm/baldspot/mullet hairstyle and a black transvestite who proceeded to dance with all the aforementioned.
Despite everyone's different backgrounds, there were no putos staring people down, no fighting or jostling for attention. What was present was a reasonable amount of space to dance, the ratio of women to men was about even and the song selection was fantastique. Highlight of the night: watching a slightly overweight, mid 30's hipster dude break out the 1/32 beats while pop locking to Salt-N-Pepa's "Push It". I (perhaps foolishly) thought that hip hop was best danced at a 4/4 beat, but this amazing man proved that cramming four times the normal amount of moves into a song can produce amazing and not to mention extremely entertaining results.
I'm sure that Voodoo is not for everyone, but if you're looking for an unpretentious place to drink, see a bevvy of interesting people and want to dance with no ridiculous dress codes however the fuck you please then I would definitely suggest this establishment. (2nd favorite highlight of the night: watching Chinese guy throw back his head and howl with unbridled joy when the DJ mixed B.I.G.'s "Hypnotize" with DeadMau5's remix of "Longest Road".)
Added bonus: Drinks are relatively pricey but damn if they're not heavy handed with the pours! We ordered a round of six shots of Don Julio and the bartender used what had to be at least 3/4 of a full bottle for the order!
Additional bonus: Dancing outside on a rooftop bar in the middle of a desert winter makes for a chilly beginning, but on the flipside, you can go as hard as you want without worrying about those unsightly sweat stains.