This place is absolutely wonderful. It's such a shame that I'm so incredibly busy that I can't rent anything at the moment, but every time I've gone with my friends (lucky them, so much time on their hands!) I'm absolutely impressed with the selection--especially with the East Asian films! Most other places have more Chinese films than anything, but Boite Noire has a great selection from other countries that I don't think any international film fan (or those looking to pique their curiosity)
Only downside though was from one visit--perhaps the clerks were tired or bored, but my friends and I were there about 8pm one evening and we noticed they turned off the music while we were browsing and that one of (or both?) the young clerks kept scoffing at us and sighing quite audibly. We felt we had to leave because we thought they closed early and they were waiting on us!
It kind of discouraged us from going there for a bit, actually. I do plan on going back there soon though.