Was forced to eat here as it was the only restaurant nearby to Firestone where work was being done on my car. The first thing I noticed was how slow the line was moving compared to other Wendy's that I have been to in the past. The next complaint I have is the smell of the restaurant. I sat down in a table that dines two next to the window facing firestone so I could see when my car was done being worked on. Once I was seated I immediately noticed this rancid smell that smelled quite like a overly used rag that was mostly used to clean the table I ate from. My final complaint and the reason that I felt the need to leave this review was the dispensers for ketchup were out so I went up to where you order and asked nicely if they'd change them. The cashier said she didn't know how. This is when she asked her manager if he could do it and he said he would get to it in a minute. Satisfied, I went back to my seat and began eating my spicy chicken sandwich while leaving my fries off to the side while i waited for the ketchup dispensers to be refilled. Next thing I know I finish my entire meal without them refilling the ketchup. After I finished I also wrote this lengthy review and they still have yet to refill the damn ketchup. Extremely dissatisfied and increased hatred for fast food chain restaurants