Right when i entered the place, i was greeted by the gentleman behind the counter..Everytime i go to a new Boba tea house..i will always try their house milk tea, so thats what i ordered take taste the difference..
I came in right when they opened so the boba wasn't ready, so i had my lychee with my house milk tea and not much of a difference from the other boba tea house.
Place was very clean and neat..just simple marble tables and woodedn chairs..not much of a decoration yet because they have just opened 2 weeks ago but i see a potential of them making good business in this neighborhood specially when the place is next to Durango High School.
Owner of the place was pretty young, haven't had the chance to talk to him about the place..Roldan is his name basing of the instagram they told me to follow.
A grand opening is happening on November 15th, they are giving free milk tea, a great way to start the place.
Overall, great place, excellent teas and perfect customer service, I will definitely recommend this place to my other Boba/Food critics :)