| - We have been coming to Pamplemousse since there was no MENU! I miss that. I was so sad when they did a printed menu :( And I miss the chicken (old timers will know just what I'm talking about.)
The wait staff is amazing here. Every dish is explained, every small touch is taken to make your dining experience delightful. You'll learn all about the restaurant and all about Vegas, if you but ask.
Top dishes on the menu? I'm not sure, but the Fettuccine a la Georges (I think it is now called something a bit longer) is AMAZING. Frank Sinatra loved it, you will too. I dream of this dish at night. In fact, not only did I order it last time I was in town, I ordered another to GO and put ice on it and flew it home!
The steaks are all succulent and the sauces, especially the Cabernet, are delightful. They are served on the SIDE so you can taste the actual meat and see that the chefs can COOK. (Unlike here in Portland, where they serve everything slobbering with sauces that aren't well done to cover up their inability to serve a steak to the temp you requested.)
The garlic soup, if you should arrive on a night it is offered, is well worth the try. I have only had it twice in 20 years, but it was wonderful both times.
The souffle is not to be missed. In fact, order'll wish you had.
I miss, more than anything else from Las Vegas except for my family members, this restaurant. I miss the wonderful memories of many meals spent with good friends and my wonderful husband. I miss celebrating special occasions with the kids there. I miss the staff.
If I could only get the recipe to the fettuccine, I would be so happy. I worry that the restaurant will be gone by the next time I get there, and I will never have that taste again.
This place is superb, you won't be sorry.