Loud, noisy, the whole place reeks of cigarette smoke and it's insanely hot inside the place. After finally maneuvering my way thru the crazy crowds within the hotel/lobby/ casino I get to the pizza place and place an order for a simple cheese pizza for my two kids who are exhausted. They tell me it's going to be a 20 minute wait and $15. Ok so I wait and walk around this heated furnace and feel sick with all the second hand smoke. I can't begin to understand who thinks this this is a family friendly place. Finally get the pizza and we leave (it was to go) and get to our hotel to eat it and it's awful. Doesn't feel cooked thoroughly and the sauce is sweet like ketchup. Seriously?! $15 for this. Never stepping back in here for sure. Stay away unless you want to waste your time, money and appetite. Even my kids cld barely finish a slice it was that bad! And which kid can't eat pizza!! Nope. Not going back!