| - It's not the huge one in Universal Walk, but it will do just fine (big enough). No gimmicks here, just candy (and other candy themed items) for the candy lover. I have to admit, I got a little excited when I saw the sign in the middle of Town Square.
Bulk candy (3 circular stations) at $2.99 for 1/4 pound and $11.96 for a full pound- chocolates. Separate gummi bear station- many different colors and flavors. Jellybeans (against the back wall- my brother-in-law's favorite BTW) are priced at $3.25 for 1/4 pound and $12.99 for a full pound.
Candy themed tees were on sale at $11 or $7. Large Hershey Kiss pillows (silver- original) and Huge Hershey Syrup (coin banks?) were the biggest cute candy-themed items here. I even spotted a Hello Kitty section (for all the asian girls out there, myself included, thank you very much). The novelties included the cute list pads (hey, they could come in handy for the list-maker, yup I'm there), pez dispensers (hello kitty & my melody), metal lunch boxes, wonka candies, candy bras (something you usually see in an adult book store, huh?), bug candy (lollipops with scorpians- gross!), bacon shaped candy (saw that on one of the cable channels recently- supposed to be the rage right now).
I saw three people working there, one at the cashier counter, another one restocking, and another one on the way out the door (shift ended maybe?). It's bright (white interior mostly), fun (it's candy, c'mon now), and generally clean inside. Nice set-up inside. It didn't feel cramped even with several other customers besides us. There are two flat-screen tvs and the music sounds good (nice marketing huh?). We didn't buy anything, because we had just eaten at Texas De Brazil (mmm, good eats folks) last night and after some walking around Town Square, had some frozen yogurt at Yogurtland (taro & coconut are the best BTW). Oh yeah, a final note- the location- next to the Rave Theater- is a good one, too. Tip: get your candy here before you head into the theater.