D&B is nice once in a while but the food is insanely unhealthy. They are also really clever about designing the psychological context in ways to extract money from their customers. You feel a bit milked afterwards. Also much fatter.
You pay for games using credits from mag-stripe cards. This lets D&B give their games arbitrary prices and makes it harder for you to really know how much you are spending. Menus for drinks and food have no prices. $6.05 for a Banana Split cocktail? $3.40 for a Michelob? I have no idea whether that is expensive but not showing the prices is clever because they can price their things and not have to obey pricing psychology (like anchors and so forth).
Waitstaff hassle you repeatedly to order desserts. Oh, and the dining room has plastic demos dessert trays to get that thought going in your mind as you walk to your table.
The games are all violent shooters or racing games don't appear to have changed much since 2002 when I last went to D&B in California. Hope they can find more innovative arcade games in the future.
Not a pleasant experience, but at least it's different from going to an ordinary restaurant.