I LOVE this place. It's one of my favourite Sushi places in the city not least of which is because as someone allergic to fish, they are amazing at ensuring that my food doesn't come in contact. I have NEVER gotten sick from here. Huge bonus points for cleanliness and customer accommodation. Their sushi is also great. I've even converted one of my sushi hating friends over to this place.
I've never dined in but take-out is fast and easy. I usually get an order of Avocado rolls, Cucumber rolls, Age Dashi Tofu (just ask them to leave off the fish scales), and a side of steamed rice. Unlike many sushi places who save a buck by using mostly sticky rice in their rolls, Sushi Bar loads them up on the vegetables and meats that they promise. So an Avocado roll? STUFFED full of yummy goodness. And the pieces are easy to fit in your mouth so no awkward overstuffed mouth.
If you're in the east end I definitely recommend checking this place out.