| - I originally went into the Bill Luke dealership looking for a Dodge Challenger, I was able to find what that fit my needs and was the price I was looking for my salesmen was Lad Biscotti, upon inspecting the vehicle he told me that this particular vehicle hadnt had a chance to go through detailing and that it was not flly ready to sell so I said ok and we both inspected it and noticed a couple of small dents in the vehicle and also that it would need to be detailed he wrote those in the WE OWE upon his own acknowledgment, we also went over what features came pre-installed with the vehicle one of the features that was very important to me being the REMOTE START, having this in one of my other vehicles I asked LAD about this feature he assured me that the vehicle came pre-installed with the remote start feature and that I would only need to buy my own keys for the remote start as they did not have any at the dealership, I said that was fine and asked if I could simply get it activated at a later time as I had already invested 24,000$ into this new car, he stated yes that was fine and that I would only need to contact service and they would activate it for me no problem, he also clearly stated that "you young folks" referring to me, like to have your features and him seeing my children sitting with me stated "it will be excellent in the summer you can cool off your car, and will be excellent in the winter so you can heat it up for the kiddos" Lad told me several times that the REMOTE START service was PRE-INSTALLED and would only need to be ACTIVATED and that I would only need to purchase the keys online through Amazon or a similar site, I said great and had the car a couple weeks before they waited until they recieved the loan approval from the bank before starting the dent removal and detailing work, they had my car from which was originally supposed to be 3 days which became 1 1/2 weeks. I called service on 5/25/2016 to have the REMOTE START activated and speak to a
Desired Resolution: Finish the Job
Desired Outcome
service technician who says yes no problem it should be installed and asks for my last 8 digits of my cars VIN number, I provide him with the number only to find out that I've been lied to, and am now being asked to pay an upwards of 600$ to have something I was previously told came PREINSTALLED! I immediately call and ask to speak to a sales manager I wait on hold with the front desk for half an hour before Im transferred to a rude Sales manager, I didn't get his name though he talked over me and insulted my intelligence every time I'd speak he'd throw in a smug remark asking me if I know the difference between remote start and push start and basically trying to call me a liar, I then spoke with a Rick Lepowsky who apologized for the inconvenience and stated that he spoke with a Kim Carter and that they would split the cost with me I said no I want what i as told to be honored and then spoke with Don Luke who was equally as rude, asking me why I waited so long to have the remote start activated to which I replied I'm sorry sir I don't own a multi million dollar car company like yourself and that I didnt have the money at the time of investing 24,000$ into a new car and the Don Luke proceeded to insult me basically making me seem as if I was lying wasting both of our time and saying he wasnt there and asking why I didnt ask for this to be put in an WE OWE statement when I don't know why I would have to put something that was already installed into the car and was told it would only need to be activated free of charge into an WE OWE statement? and further more I began to tell DON LUKE that I felt insulted and felt belittled by his coments and he said " why because I dont believe you and even if I was in the grey about it would I give it to you for free? NO" and then I said no because I was told one thing and I expet it to be honored which a good reputable dealership would do and he said forget it I'm done here not even acknowledging that I stated that I did in face even have a saved voicemail from LAD BISCOTTI stating that we had talked about buying the keys but somehow now he doesnt recall the remote start conversation after that DON LUKE even hung up on me! bait and switch tactics, I want what I was told to be honored I will continue to spread this experience on all social media outlets dont get scammed and ripped off by their bait and switch tactics!