| - I really do have to knock this place down a couple notches - I think they're getting higher marks than they deserve owing to location. We moved here from NYC and have dined in many major cities at very fine restaurants for the past couple decades (in addition to Manhattan). That being said, Sante is offering up NYC prices and NYC rudeness right here in Matthews of all places. The Queen City is known for it's friendliness so we were actually quite taken aback when we received a call a couple hours prior to our reservation time asking us if we wanted to "come in earlier". The caller actually offered that up as if it was some sort of prize we'd won - "hey...guess what, you can actually come in earlier than the 530PM res. that you win!". She must have mistaken me for the 80 and over set, because honestly 530p is really as early I'll go for dinner, I'm good with that thank you. On a Saturday "night" no less. When I informed her that I would be keeping my 530P res. and that yes, that's the time I wanted given that that's the time I actually requested, she offered up what seemed to be a soft threat in response..."okay well, just so you know we have a 7PM reservation set for your table, so, I hope you'll have enough time". Seriously? They were lucky we didn't draw out our meal to 730P just to be passive aggressive since we were pissed. In all of my years of overpaying at restaurants who mistakenly assume that they are special I have never been treated like that...if you don't eat your meal fast enough we'll boot you out and let the next guys in before you're finished! Really, will the next diners get to eat our dessert as an extra added penalty on us too? Maybe just don't make reservations so tight if you're worried about it Sante. The fact is that we made that 530p res. before the guy called asking for a 7p res., so, how about telling him that the 7p is not an avail. time and offering him a 715p or a 730p? Diners who are already spending close to $100 on a meal for two should not also be expected to pay for acts of poor judgement on the part of the staff. The staff should be the only ones stressing to sort that stuff out. The only reason I'm giving two stars instead of one is because the food was deserving of more credit than just one star. While the food is good, it was nothing I haven't seen before. In fact, it was actually quite typical for this particular genre of restaurant. The most noteworthy thing was the bacon wrapped trout, done to perfection. Also, of note, Sante does not know what foie gras is, which is bad, given the genre of the restaurant. They served up liver pate (and not even close to what I look for in a good liver pate) and called it foie gras!! Big disappointment there. Additionally, our waitress was aloof at best until the very end when she became frankly rude. She openly disapproved of my request to take home our leftover liver pate. Waiting Tables 101: we do not wish to know your opinion unless we ask for it, particularly on what we choose to bring home in a doggy bag. It was leftover appetizer we asked to bring home, but her response was what one would expect if one had asked to have a neighboring table's soiled napkins packaged up, to-go. Sante, we had high hopes for you...definitely a bummer, all around.