| - First off I'm a big fan of John's, I use to frequent there locations in California all the time. When i heard they where coming to Vegas I was a happy camper..
Well they opened their Las Vegas location on Dec. 29th 2015. I'm a bit confused as to why they did not advertise this more.. I went on News years day and was surprised at the amount or lack of business. Talked to a few employees and they said the opening has been a lot less the expected.
But that being said.. This place is done up very well.. 5 themed rooms to dine in.. from cartoons to sports to just a quiet room to relax. Its a buffet style restaurant , so its a serve yourself..
The buffet offers a nicely stocked salad bar, baked potato bar, pizza bar where the show case some unique pizzas such as a peanut butter ( not my fave ), cheese burger, bbq chicken, chicken ranch and a host of others.. And if you do not see what you like they will make it for you. they have a pasta and bread stick bar, fried chicken, mojo style potatoes, soups and of course your desert bar. Good selection of drinks including beer and wine ( beer and wine is additional cost ) . Milk is also available from the bar. ( think outside the box here people, make shakes with milk and ice cream ). its all you can eat and drink. the food is better then cc's and way better then chucky cheese.
After dining they have a nice arcade of things to do.. Now I am a bit disappointed in this area.. its seems rather void of games compared to the California locations.. although they do have some very nice high hd type that I have not seen in Cali.. They have glow in the dark miniature golf, mini bowling, bumper cars and a tilt a whirl type ride in the center.
Games give out tickets that can be redeemed for prizes.. most machines are a bit stingy on tickets but a few pay off rather well.. The prize booth has a nice selection of prizes to chose from..
All in all a very nice 3 to 4 hours can be spent here with the family.. Another stop for those with children who visit Las Vegas as well as the locals..