| - Oh, Melt... What is there to say? Melt was always one of my all-time favorite restaurants, but the last time I went back home, the magic just wasn't there. It's lost a bit of the novelty, I guess--I mean, how many artery-clogging, big-as-your-femur grilled cheeses can one eat in a lifetime before the joy runs thin? I could deal with the ridiculous crowds and long waits (Note to readers: go with someone you can talk to for four hours), so long as the food was good and cheap--I don't know if it's just one Parmageddon too many or what, but my sandwich last time wasn't worth the wait.
Don't get me wrong! It's pretty cheap, the decor is great, there are plenty of beers to pick from, and the food IS good... Just maybe not hour-long-wait good.