| - Back in oh, 1998 I was here for vacation... I sprained my ankle on that F%@#King conveyor belt of a people mover from curbside up to the hotel. Yes, of all place, of things, in Vegas. ok, granted I was jumping, and landed down on a softpart to sprain my ankle, but if it was a solid footing throughout, I'd be walking. I ended up going to some doctor place off the beaten path, doc took a look and gave me a sock.... well, it was a compression sock, but that didn't help. Anyways, got pushed around in a wheelchair for the rest of the duration of the trip.
I guess had I have my hand on the people-mover, I could have sued, since they did have a sign to hold onto the rails. And in vegas, they've got camera's everywhere...
FF to 2000, stayed there again, avoided the people mover. Work paid for a 7 day outing, this was back in the dot.boom days where money flowed out of everyone's ears. I got tired of vegas after 3 days, oh well.