I withheld on making a decision at the time since I had nothing to compare it to, but since then we've been to other shows and I can now see how bad it actually was. The seating is horrible unless you like being packed at a child size table with seating that cannot be moved. The service was terrible. Our waitress didn't even take our order until the headliner, Martin Moreno, took the stage. For the $16.00 I spent on just 2 Coronas (not including anything else), I didn't even get a lime wedge; I got half a lime slice. Damn! It was a complete letdown. We ended up getting comped 2 vouchers to a future show that I'll likely just give away to someone I'd like to have a bad and expensive night. The automatic inclusion of the gratuity was a joke considering the experience.This club leaves a lot to be desired.