| - They almost killed my cat and I was billed over 1000$ for an ER stay. My cat had his neutering done (which was done perfectly) but also had a small cyst removed on his front leg. The next morning after surgery (still having his bandage on) his leg swoll up and he was in pain hiding, not drinking. He almost died, ran a high fever and had to stay overnight at the ER. The reason it swoll up: he got a horrid infection from that place. When I came back the next business day to have him seen, they had the audacity to charge me for the visit. They loosened up the sutures to have the fluid drain and charged me???!!!! I was then let out in the backroom and saw how filthy this place is, dustwebs all over their computers, no wonder his leg got infected in a filthy place like that. I work in the medical field and came in for vaccinations first to check out the place, the rooms looked great so I didn't suspect anything. Don't have a surgery here, they don't know what they are doing and won't even care. This happened last year, I do not recommend this place at all. Unless you need a wellness check-up and vaccinations, they are ok to use, but surgery wise, they may kill your pet.