Although I love the gym itself, even though it is always crowded, I HATE THE MANAGEMENT! MY GOSH! THEY ARE JUST TERRIBLE! I had fraud on my credit card and my card was cancelled. I did not get a new card until 5 days after my payment was due and they did not notify my of my payment being declined and they charged me $20. They did not care that I had no idea that my card didn't work, that I had fraud on my original card, they are just out to make money. As soon as I can, I am going to cancel and go to a gym where they are understanding of people finances. I have always paid on time every month, but 5 days, just 5 days of my payment not going through, they charge me extra and they did not send any kind of notification. They said that they don't do any notifications because they have too many clients. WELL, YOU WILL SOON HAVE ONE LESS!