This place is worse than a high pressure used car sale lot. Every time I come here the people who take your car wash order hound you and pressure you into buying some sort of car wash packet special for who the hell knows what. When you politely tell them no, they seem to be so distraught and their friendly uppity attitude goes south in a heartbeat. I have no doubt they receive some sort of commission on whatever crap packages they're trying to sell you. Then once you get passed them you have to deal with the crack hounds. These are the guys who want you to fix the neutron size crack in the far upper corner you didn't even know was there. This last time I told the guy I wasn't interested and he said "well if you don't want to use your insurance you can give me $20 and I'll fix it". So just an FYI to the company running the windshield business here...your employees are stealing from you. God I hate this place... If I didn't have the gift cards here, I wouldn't have come. This is my last time.
Update.... Five minutes after I posted this another crack hound came up and said he'd do it for $15