I'm quite the seasoned veteran at in n out. Always have had exceptional customer service as well as quality freshness of food. I am extremely upset with the lack of customer service I received last two times I've been through the drive thru here. First time girl was very rude and my food was awful. An in n out first for me. Ok bad night I'll try them again just let it go, but no I can't just let it go after tonight. I cruise up to the drive thru mouth watering as I'm ordering to constantly keep being cut off midway threw my sentence. I honestly just got fed up and pulled up to the first drive thru window to pay with my heart pounding I was so annoyed. This in n out in particular loves to rush customers and is known for not being very friendly. I had to calm down, assess the situation, and say, "Hey, what did I do wrong?" But is ordering a meal for me and my family so irritable to the pimply face unlv student taking my order he has to be so rude and keep cutting me off? Apparently so, I say good day in n out off of maryland and trop I'll take my business to sunset and marks. You know when you're greeted and feel welcomed and you know when you're not. That night in particular we didn't feel so welcomed.... Sincerely unsatisfied customer .... :(