What a beautiful, cool, and high spot to be in near Vegas!
Over the past few years, I started noticing more and more of my friends visiting these colorful rock pillars either to or from Vegas. Finally this one time, I convinced my friends that we needed to check it out before heading back to LA... because you know, it's magical.
After driving out for a bit, we found the rocks and the parking lot. Warning that the lot is not paved and simply an area designated for cars. Low riders beware as you may experience some pain driving in and out of the lot.
The rocks are pretty dope. Find the right angles to take your picture- group shots, solo shots, on or off the tree.
It's a free attraction that nonetheless gets your friends curious about where the heck you were to find these tall giants. Aside from taking photos, there isn't much to do here. There are a couple of benches surrounding the rocks that you can sit and admire from, or take a cute scenic photo with yourself sitting down.
Get creative because that's what these rocks are meant to do- inspire!