This truck came by - and at the last minute we were emailed a PDF of their menu. The pdf menu clearly stated things like *served with edamame, or *comes with side salad. The menu at the truck, had nothing like that. Watching other people walk away from the truck with just a small plate of potstickers, you think that you need to order several items. However, if the actual "side" items were served or even offered you'd realize that you have a MEAL not a snack. So you end up buying two entrees for your meal. While you can go back and request your side item, it's kinda BS to have to do that after the fact and you might not have ordered as much. You also muck up the line of people still waiting for their food, and those folks don't understand what's going on either.
So, yes - good chicken potstickers. Ok shrimp wonton soup. Their carry away options in general lack lids, so beware of how much food you order.