We went in early April when not much was happening. The view of the Toronto skyline was spectacular and our little stop at the Rectory Cafe was nice but other than that, there was nothing else to see...or do. We sat at a beach for 10 minutes but we're Californians so the beach thing didn't really impress us. We walked along the waterfront for a while but the side away from Toronto basically looked like an ocean. Oh wait, we have that too in California.
Maybe it's more fun in the summer. Oh, and the ferry doesn't really follow the schedule. According to the website, there's a 1.5 hr gap between 2 and 3:30 but it turned out that there was no gap. And when we spotted the ferry coming toward the island, we had to run to make it. I'm the first to admit that I'm completely out of shape so I wanted to quit after a short while. The bf told me to pretend like there's a dog chasing me so I would run faster. Um, dogs love me so why would I ever get chased by a dog? Anyway, we got to the ferry on time and were excited to get off the island.