They have fine stuff, but horrendously rude staff. I cringe thinking that I've given them business in the past.
I was there over the weekend and was pretty shocked that they didn't knock to see whether a dressing room was in use. Instead, they shadily peered in through the curtain. wtf.
While I was there, the staff caused a huge scene in the dressing room, scolding and berating a customer for trying on clothes in an open dressing room that apparently had been reserved for someone else. Every customer in the room was embarrassed for her. I know this, because we all talked about it and tried to console the customer when the staff member left the dressing area. If your customers all agree that you behaved terribly and talk about in your store, you are doing something wrong.
They're rude and unprofessional. They also don't accept returns or exchanges. I get that, but it sucks when you accidentally buy one pair of pants when you meant to purchase another. When I called to plead with them to help fix the problem, I was told, after much begging, I could consign the pants back for less than 40% of what I bought them for.... If I was willing to wait for an appointment 2 months away. This cannot be the first time this had happened and that's some crappy resolution for ya. Ughhh