| - Movie Room used it for some scenes, and now a TV series called Conviction, starring a Canadian actor, Shawn Ashmore.Where Conviction shot exteriors,and interiors at Apache.Given the long history of being a solid diner.Has the food become inconsistent because they don't care as much due to: some celeb.clients, cash business benefits,and being used as a film,or tv location? I've had a burger from this place a few years ago during a fairly busy service,bad when I wished I had a Big Mac instead.Then some time later, late one night while the place was dead. I did pickup some onion rings, they were GROSS.My university greasy spoons had better onion rings which I've consumed sober. The Apache rings seemed like they reheated them in the fryer.I have cut back on red meat,but when I do want a burger,it's not an Apache burger after that onion ring debacle. Someone introduced me to Woody's burgers,and they were great,along with the accepting plastic.