Can I give a Place no Stars , because that is what this place deserves, they suck NEVER NEVER NEVER go here. I got my A/C fixed and paid 1300 to replace my entire A/C components on my truck in july 2008. In less than a year later, It's broke again (April 2009). They said it was a valve that went out which they replaced. So, they replace that for free. Now, less than a year later again after April 2009 that it's broke in March 2010. It does not work again. In less than 2 year period, my ac on my truck has broke twice since I got it all replaced. They want to charge me to get it fixed now that the 12 month warranty is over. To top it off they retro fitted my High pressure line with the wrong valve and told me they could not fix that and admitted to putting the wrong valve on it. So, I could not fill is up with Freon to see where it is leaking. I had to buy 60 dollars with of part at auto zone to fix it. It's ridiculous that I paid for my A/C on my truck to be replaced and it breaks every year. This is about the Sun Devil Auto on Chandler Blvd, Cross Streets Chandler and McQueen but from what I have read on the internet they all SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!