It's a great adventure for someone visiting our city and fun to go from land to water. My sister and her granddaughter came for a visit so I thought this would be fun for her to do. A little pricy for the time spent but they don't come often so just do it. The narrator was ok not fun or tried to get the crowd involved. With the right one they could really make it a fun time and for the price it really should be made to be fun.
Even though they shared interesting facts of the city there are a lot more they could of done if they weren't so worried about asking for tips and what they would do with their tips. My sister and I were going to tip, money in hand but it became to much as we got closer to the end. So the money I had in my hand went back into my pocket after our journey ended. My sister who never says anything bad said "can you believe how they went on about wanting a tip? I couldn't after that"
So it's all up to you