major fail! when signing up for internet and TV (Prism Essential) i was told the package was $69.94 a month for 12 months. free modem for a year, 720P HD Cable. during the installation I notice standard definition cable, mentioned something to the installer who says there is no such thing as 720p with CL- it is either SD or HD. problem was resolved on the phone with installer and headquarters. service is fine. billing is a complete nightmare. I am repeatedly (and suddenly after 2 months) billed for two TV packages and taxed on such as well as 'sports packages" twice while I have no extra sports packages. in short another person's cable is attached to my bill and I have now called 3 months in a row and none of these depts actually help. and none of them can just say "oh, you signed up for the $69.94 package we will correct the bill" and then actually do the correction. the paper bill, the online bill and the customer service agent result in 3 different prices, none of them being $69.94. and then the real kicker is they start trying to sell me the phone packages. Reliable cable and internet - yes ; billing? no way, total nightmare. I mark up the bill indicating what I don't receive, the confirmation number and agent I spoke with and pay them $69.94. I am hoping this doesn't somehow bother my credit score. They just can't figure out that I have one TV and one internet and why I am billed for two, all the while ignoring the package deal that I originally signed up for 12 months.