first time here today with the kiddos (3 of them ages 12, 10 and 5) we got there before 10:30am to get the unlimited bowling, laser tag, and ropes which was a good deal $12.95 plus shoe rental. Not bad at all you get to stay until 5pm and gets the kids out of the house. The place wasnt packed but for a Tuesday there was a lot of people here. We switched off bowled a game then did the ropes, and then a few games of laser tag and then back to bowling overall it was a fun day. Being our first time here i had a lot of questions for staff everyone was very helpful and nice. We didnt eat here we only bought fountain drinks and then left to peter piper pizza across the street to eat for an hour to meet some family members so i cannot comment on how the food tastes but the establishment was very clean and i glanced at other families food who did order there and it looked good. This place is fun for kids and parents the games are pricey but thats everywhere.