I scheduled 50 minute massage and facial with a Groupon. Arrived on time had to wait. The therapist arrives and has me disrobe into a fluffy robe (comfy). I received the facial which is accompanied with a hand and foot massage (about ten minutes each. Then the massage was over. What was the reason to disrobe if the 50 minute massage wasn't included?
I questioned this and then reported it to the manager.
Schedule a couple massage for the same fire and ice massage Groupon (I had purchased three)and confirmed the date and time. The salon claims the schedule was for an hour prior to the confirmed scheduled time. Now I'm really upset as I had an out of state friend to accompany me for this massage and facial and we were let down by the salon. This is the second disappointment from this salon.
I just want to utilize the Groupon now and be done with them.
I am really DISAPPOINTED!!!