If you are in the mood or need to get organized, this place you need to go. Plenty of ideas and knick knacks to help you get organized.
Do you ever have these issues:
a. My phone cords keep falling to the floor.
b. There is a lot of wasted space in my shelves.
c. Where can I get some shelves that are contemporary?
d. Where do I put my bike?
e. What do I do with all my sports items?
f. I need a really cool cutting board.
g. I need a trash can that has intelligence.
h. Time to organize all my hair products from the floor.
i. I need to organize my shoes.
j. I want to redo my kid's desk spaces.
I mean, just about anything you want to organize, and you will find either the product here or the inspiration. I do find pricing to be a bit high, so I often will check prices on Amazon to be sure. However, I usually buy from the Container Store as it is very nice and convenient.
The staff here is great. The store is well organized and very, very clean!
GK says, don't wait for Spring, get down here now.