Do not trust other fake positive reviews (like Homestar**). Take it from an actual customer. It makes me angry when a business engages in this type of deceptive behaviour and gains. I swear there were no other "visible" reviews when I submitted mine. I was the first one on Yelp. Shortly after my review was posted, another reviewer got updated and became visible without clicking "other reviews" button. Surprise surprise. I wish I talked to more providers and not trusted the reviews so much. I have to move my piano again soon (the only thing left by my parent) and I WILL NOT be using Braymore again until my death! You should not either.
Let me tell you why:
-They charge an exorbitantly higher amount of money than other providers to move your piano at a specific time. Otherwise, you have to wait all day & evening for them and they don't know when they'll come move your piano.
-When they arrive at the specified time, they act like they don't want to be here (despite having paid the large sum of $$), meanwhile the security is waiting forever for them at the gate and they proceed to provide very bad service! This consists of:
-Not wrapping ANY part of the piano and moving everything bare (we're talking about a very expensive piano here, not a crappy one), despite them promising over the phone they would. They know better.
-Dropping your piano bare on the ground!!!!!!!!! :O :O
Wait for the kicker.....
-After it's all said and done, they have the guts to ask for tips despite almost breaking the last thing left of me.
If you want to take a very very risky chance with them and trust all those, suspicious high amount of positive reviews, go ahead. I wouldn't. And I thought my last mover was mediocre and you can't get any worse than that.
**They managed to remove my review from Homestar using the excuse of payment (the payment name was under someone else's name in the household, not mine). They have this review business down-pat.
-ACTUAL customer in Toronto. You can read my other reviews.