| - I've stopped by here a few times (most recently tonight) to pick up random groceries. This store is located next to one of the bike trails that I frequent, hence its convenience despite being fairly far from my apt.
On the positive side, I appreciate the size of this store and the selection of products. In terms of size, it's larger than the Shadyside Market District (my normal grocery store, hence my standard of comparison), and I'd say the product selection is very similar. Unlike the MD, when I've visited, the aisles have seemed fairly empty of customers, which may be due to the times of my visits (usually between 7-8pm), as well as the size of the store. Because it's not a Market District, the prices are a bit less expensive, which is nice.
On the negative side, the checkout always seems to take forever due to slow customers and/or employees, despite that I've only purchased a couple of items at a time. The "express" lanes move at the speed of molasses, and the self-checkouts are even worse. Speaking of which, this store has *way* too many self-checkout lanes (about a third of the lanes), and the non-express ones with the belts are unintuitive.
Prior to tonight, I would have awarded this store a rating of 4 or perhaps even 4.5. However, checkout tonight was even more of a PITA than it usually is. None of the normal express checkout lanes were staffed with cashiers, despite that I saw at least one employee loafing around talking to another. So, I was forced to use one of the many self-checkout lanes. Normally, I don't mind this, esp. when I'm only purchasing a couple of items, but the empty self-checkout lane that I spotted was one with a conveyor belt, and I couldn't figure out how to use it (not that it mattered, since I had only one item, but the self-checkout lanes must be operated using a very specific procedure--see below). So, I moved over to one of the express self checkout lanes (similar to those in the Shadyside MD), which I knew how to operate. However, I still managed to bungle the process since I forgot to scan my one item *before* I put it on the scale that doubles as a bagging station, so I had to wait for one of the ever-so-slow employees to come over and key in an authorization code so I could pay.
I'm not sure if the self-checkout stands that GE uses are standard in the industry, since I've never used them anywhere else, but I *hate* the whole weighing/bagging process. In order to use the self-checkout stations, each item must be scanned and then placed on the scale, and if the weight isn't correct for any reason (including using your own bag), an employee is summoned to check it. I assume the intention is to prevent people from shoplifting, but (1) it's a major PITA for both customers and employees; (2) most of the employees (including the one I dealt with tonight) don't care, and just key the code without even looking at the error message explaining why they were summoned; and (3) I doubt most shoplifters pay for any of the items they're pilfering--they most likely just stuff them into their purse, clothes, etc. and walk out! /rant
3.5 stars.