This is one of those places that aren't good for non lookers. I am a looker. I like the dig and find so don't mind this at all.
I came with a group of my finest friends in search of items for the Second Chance Prom. This is a good stop for suits at a good price, but there is also a great seamstress working in the dressing room here so go check her out!
The strong points for me is they have a great purse and accessory selection and a large area of casual dresses- my bread and butta'. I had to talk myself out of a purse but now am thinking I should get it.
Most negative is some racks were a bit too filled that it was hard to move the hangers and browse and some areas can be messy depending on who was shopping that day.
Sometimes you leave with nothing, sometimes you leave with a lot. Still, I enjoy browsing here quite a bit.