The guy who did my pedicure in Vegas stated that my legs were tight and I needed a real massage. He then suggested that I venture over to Chinatown to get a an hour long massage for $30. Angel Touch was the second second spot I walked in, as the first one was packed. It is located in a shopping center with dark settings. Nothing calm or peaceful about the atmosphere.
I wasn't sure how this foot massage would work so I had to work off gestures mostly since the guys' English was not the best. This was mostly a fully clothed massage. He motioned for me to take off my shoes and then sit on the bed. He then placed my feet in a hot tub of water. He told me the foot massage was $20 and $30 would get me a back massage with hot stones. I went for the latter and then laid back. As he started massaging my face, I smelled rotten eggs which I determined was either the his breath or his gas. Unfortunately, it was gas! This man had the nerves to pass gas while I was getting a massage. I swear. There is no way I could have relaxed after that.
In addition, my eyes weren't covered so I saw all the water damage on the tiles. At one point, one of the other attendants came in my room to talk to my masseuse (which I use this word loosely). After she spoke to him, he then started talking on the cell phone while working my feet. Then, he left in the middle of a good leg rub down to walk out the room for a brief time period.
There is no privacy in these rooms. I heard all conversations and I guess I wouldn't have been so annoyed if they didn't have the word 'spa' in the title.
There was nothing relaxing about this experience.
Also, the minimum tip is $10 and they charge $1 for using credit cards.