Passed this place a lot and never went in. For dinner I decided to stop by right after work to see if subs were good. Got my self the Ultra Uncle Sams Special at the bar to go.
I didn't think I was waiting long at all and not really sure how this all happened. As the server handed me my to go order of the sub with the side of fries, I asked her how much. She looked at the guy working the flat top he smiled and just put his fist up. The girl smiled and handed it to as if it was just free. What?!?!?! I was so confused. I tried to pay and they said it was a good day. The guy gave me a "pound" and I was on my way.
The New Yorker in me just could not believe that an experience like that just happened...... I just couldn't believe that just happened. Someone out of the blue just decided that dinner was on them....
I got home and tasted the fries.. AWESOME. Kind of like shoe string fries, skinny and perfectly salted. The SUB WAS REALLY REALLY GREAT! I am still reeling about this whole experience.
I don't know if they knew what they were doing, but they just made a fan out of me. Such a small gesture (less than $10 worth) just gained them a lifetime of business. Not just a fan of Uncle Sam's but that particular location. Happy people making other people happy. I will tell everyone I know about this place.