I had a cracked screen on my iPhone 5s for quite a while and this morning I dropped it...again and my screen shattered. I immediately went down to one stop wireless and got there before they opened (Granted the did open 5 mins late.) As soon as I walked in the owner, Jason, greeted me and asked what I needed help with so I asked how much it would be to replace my screen, although I had already read $100 online. He brought up the tech, Carl, who told me $125. When I said I was just going to go to another company the owner said he would knock the price down and give me a case at 50% off. They were very friendly and so flexible. While I was waiting the owner offered to change the channel to whatever I like and they had me check my screen to feel how it touches and reacts before having me pay. Thanks so much one stop wireless!!
Update: my screen is starting to fade out on the reaction to my touch. It feels like it needs to be calibrated or something like that because it doesn't always pick up my touch or it is very off on the location of the touch.
Update #2: a month later I dropped my phone and learned they never put my screws back in place because my entire screen popped out!!! Yay I went back and they pushed it back and replaced the screws but now my camera doesn't work. I think I'll just wait for the next iphone to come out and buy it instead of wasting more money.