| - Today I had to come back for a missed test. About 3 months ago, I came in for a regularly scheduled glaucoma test (vision field). Although I was on time- when the doctor examined me he said, " I see you missed your test today" I was confused. He told me that I wasn't on time, that's why they didn't do the test. I protested and said that I was right on time. Then he blows my mind and says that " you don't show up at 10 oclock for a 10 oclock flight, you go to the airport early" WTF Doc!?! This ain't no micky-ficky airport!!! AND... when you buy your plane ticket, they TELL YOU TO COME EARLY. Your office doesn't AND didn't.
My BS Detector is on overload-
So now, I'm pissed and complaining- the office manager (a very nice lady) tried to help by fitting me in for testing between other patients. Unfortunately I had to go to work and couldn't stay, so I wasn't tested. Basically- their inner-office SNAFUs wasted my morning. I was still trying to make sense of what's going on. When I rescheduled my upcoming appointment, I grilled everyone from the office manager, to the front desk people, to the schedulers, about coming in earlier than my appointment. NO ONE knew what I was talking about NO ONE said that "I had to arrive early for my flight."
C'mon, Get it Together Folks!!!!!!!
I shouldn't have had to come back to be tested today.
Put it like this-if this had happened again... today, well...,
Let's just say I'm glad it didn't.