| - On my trip to Montreal I discovered a few things: The Yelpers there aren't as generous with their FUCing, and there is apparently such thing as 'Yelp Rating Integrity.' Supposedly, if I give too many things high ratings, you'll all think I'm an easily pleased push over that just wants everyone to be nice to each other...
Yeah, well, this place was awesome, just like everywhere else I went -- Yelp Integrity be damned!
Caffé Art Java is faaaaabulous.The chocolatines were great and my chai latte was fab (no art because it's difficult to create pretty things without dreamy brown coffee to draw the pictures, sadly), but thing I was most impressed with was the steamed milk. I am a foam nazi. if the foam is weak and watery, everything tastes 10 points sadder. Even if it's made with the steamed tears of baby unicorn-centaur cross-breeds. This steamed milk was so thick! I kept marveling at it's ability to stay on my spoon when I turned it upside down.
"Look, baby! It's not moving! Right way up, upside down, right way up, upside down... IT'S JUST STAYING ON THE SPOON!!"
Yep, and I was no longer jealous of his cappuccino art. My steamed milk is strong and independent, like a white Beyonce! Who needs art when you got all of *THIS*? Yup, that's what I thought.
Five starts, Caffe Art Java, five stars.