St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church offers salvation... from astronomical parking pass fees at UNC Charlotte!!! UNC Charlotte now charges about $450 a year for a parking pass. I've sucked it up in the past and gotten a parking pass but found out that St Thomas offers a much more economical option. The church offers parking passes to UNCC students (and faculty and staff) for $60 a semester or $100 for the entire year. Yes, the church is a little further of a walk, but I'm able to be on campus in about 10-15 minutes compared to the 5 it would take from one of the parking decks on campus. But you may have to fight for a spot on campus - at St Thomas Aquinas I have never had an issue getting a parking space. There's also the added benefit of that extra walk for the daily exercise component. All in all - this place is a great option for those who don't want to fork over $450 to UNC Charlotte.