| - the question at the bottom of the review box: 'You've checked in here 2 times! What keeps you coming back?'
Um, what keeps me coming back? Totally CONVIENENCE! When in a time crunch and cannot get to my regular spots this is where I come. Yes, you read it right, SPOTS. 3 different girly treatments, 3 different you never get WAXED at the same place you get you nails done. Unless it is a Spa Boutique, with the entire spa package treatment then...yea, um NO. Ijs y'all, with that being said I committed the CARDINAL SIN.
I'm SORRY! I really REALLY needed my underarms waxed, I refuse to shave, Certain things you your LEGS and other things are to be WAXED like ______________ (feel in the blank).
So I ran in on a Saturday at the 11th hour to get my underarms RIPPED. Party Foul #1 she pulled out STRIPS, wait, what? People still use strips? Yes and I'm still stuck on STRIPS. Me personally I don't think strips give you as smooth of a feel like NO strip application. $20...$20, if I didn't wait till the damn 11th hour I would've paid my normal $13+$2tip = $15. Next time, I will pay the price and suffer and wear a LONG SLEEVE shirt. I guess it was an OK service, but I will just hold off the next time and go to my regular spot.
Every since I've moved to this side of town I have yet to find a decent nail tech. I'm a runner...if you personally know any avid runners and/or a runner yourself then you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. No, I'm not "Myra, from ShaNayNay's shop" up in here but I'm going to need you the make the RIGHT, make them SPARKLE. Oh how I miss Tony, he was a pedi Artist, he would stand back and admire his own designs. I stay basic, no designs here, and don't get the DELUXE SPA TREATMENT...deluxe spa MY ASS, I went home and PED-EGG'D and pumice my own damn feet. I'm getting all mad just typing...let's move on. If you live close by and you need a quick PEDI or underarms waxed then drop in.
I've seen chicks go in for EYEBROWS, Oooo ma'am no. And the thing that kills is she inquired "you want eyebrow too?" Nah boo, knock these arms out tho, thank you.
But they get the job done, it's a nail shop. If your looking for a Mani, Pedi and/or wax then yes, those are the services that are performed here at T Nails. Now the quality of service and overall experience is to each's own.
go check them out!