If you are looking for a world-class acupuncture service this is the place to be. You don't just come in and get acupuncture and leave and that's the end of it. Paul will sit down with you and ask you about your background to see what is happening in your life. I came in and I had a allergy problem in which my sinuses were filled and was causing head pain. Paul identified that I had been eating a lot of highly inflammatory foods and that my body was not in good shape. He recommend a juicing routine as well as switching my diet to one that is not so high in gluten and dairy products. He also spoke to me about the practice of mindfulness and meditation.
My sinus issues completely went away. I started drinking the juice every morning and also limited my diet to less foods that have gluten and dairy products. I also started practicing mindfulness. I became a very happy and healthy person.
I have been coming to see Paul almost weekly for the last six months. It is a great opportunity to chat about what is happening in my life and he gives you a lot of positive spiritual direction. Paul is a very spiritually wise person who puts a great perspective on life. The treatments that I usually get are the acupuncture and the cupping.
At first the cupping is really painful especially if you do the running cupping. But as you loosen up over time kind of like a piece of meat gets tenderized. It becomes very enjoyable the more often you do it. The acupuncture is amazing too. Paul then dim the lights and put on some relaxing meditation music or perhaps a guided meditation that you can enjoy while receiving the acupuncture. When you walk into his clinic it is very clean and smells good with nice essential oil's. Paul is really a great guy. I feel like he genuinely cares about you.
Paul is not only my acupuncturist but I consider him a friend. I have not been to other acupuncture clinic but I highly doubt you get the level of service that you do at this one. Just look at his other reviews. There is a reason why everybody speaks so highly of Paul. I highly recommend it and get it out there and do it ASAP. You will not regret it.