Convenient, good, and friendly.
The food court on one side of the mall and Red Velvet on the other. Talk about convenience. If you're by the Macy's area and want something quick to eat, well, here it is. It's right in between the escalators by the Brookstone's and the ABC store.
They only had 10 minutes 'til closing so we opted to get the tiramisu to go. We were advised by a friendly guy behind the counter to heat up the tiramisu for 30 seconds before eating it because it wasn't a typical tiramisu and " heating it up will make it moister." The bf absolutely disliked it, but then again it was his first time eating something vegan. I on the other hand, thought it was decent. Its vegan, so no egg, that means the texture was rough but moist. Total cost: 6 bucks.