| - Each year Toronto Life Magazine puts out an Eating and Drinking issue that is comprised of hundreds of restaurants. They also include restaurants that are out of the downtown core, Big Bone BBQ just happened to be one of those places. Chain BBQ joints are seeming to be popping up everywhere, so when an independent, and authentic one opens up, you know that i will be going there. Wings are one of my top 10 fave items, and after watching so many episodes of DDD's, i had being dying to try smoked wings. They were absolutely delicious, they were smoky without being spicy, my only complaint is that they weren't that hot, temperature wise. To contrast the smoked wings i opted for a deep fried and sauce wings. They have over 20 sauce options, we chose the Kansas BBQ, it was slightly spicy and vinegary. If you order two lbs of wings you pay $18.90, plus you get fries as well. I have had fries at probably over a few hundred restaurants, and these were probably the best fries that i have tasted. They were so crispy, and salty, and even though everyone was so full, we kept on going back for the fries.
Being from out of town i wanted to make sure that they were open before i committed to the hour plus drive, unfortunately their hours are not posted their website. A fellow Yelper mentioned this as well, it is a simple fix and i hope that they add the information to their website.
Overall, even though Big Bone is located in a tiny strip mall in New market, you would swear with the food that you were eating, that you were in the south. I love the food, and i cannot wait to come back for some more good BBQ.