Ever want to skydive but just can't bring yourself to jump out of a perfectly good plane? Well here is your chance, Phoenix, to fly without worrying about your chute or tandem diver.
(Just for clarification, I'm an adrenaline junkie and have gone skydiving before)
The whole process is so easy. When I went every age group was represented - think thebyougest was about 5yrs and the oldest looked to be in his 70s. Not sure if you can do it? Go lay down on the floor or the bed on your stomach and arch your legs and arms off the floor/bed so the only thing touching is your hips and belly. Can you do that? Then you can fly here.
You will get instruction before you fly and of course have an instructor in the tube with you the first couple times you fly. They will help position you so you can float by yourself. So here is the second requirement. If you're scared of someone grabbing you and trying to position your body then it isn't going to work for you.
Third requirement. Can you relax? If you're one to feel out of control and freak out, the tube is definitely not for you. Flying IS a different sensation but you have to make slow movements. Fast movements mean you're going to spiral out of control (at least for a newbie). Relax! There was a girl who could not relax and her riding experience looked more like a seizure than flying. Relax!
At the end of your flight they'll offer you flights. Good package prices. However be warned that YOU MUST USE ALL YOUR MINUTES IN ONE EVENT DATE. We bought the 10min package and we did not know that you must use it all at once. We thought you could break it into a couple sessions but you cannot.